Motor Vehicle Accident in the area of 196 Silver Valley Rd Brodheadsville


13:08 There is a Motor Vehicle Accident in the area of 196 Silver Valley Rd Brodheadsville, 2 vehicles with injuries.

UPDATE 3:19 pm: Fire is reporting atleast 2 injuries, one with a head wound and loss of memory.

UPDATE 3:29 pm" Fire has requested MedEvac to be put on standby.

UPDATE 3:30 pm: Per Fire, EMS is requesting MedEvac to fly if they can, LZ will be at the Zion Churn on Rt 209.

UPDATE 3:38 pm: PennStar 3 responding 15 min eta.

UPDATE 3:39 pm: EMS decided to cancel the MedEvac.

West End Volunteer Fire Co, West End Ambulance and State Police responding,

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